How to Setup a New Merchandising Store

New store set-ups In any New store set-ups, merchandising refers to a product display in an unique way to have more customers attention than usual and encourage them to buy the merchandise, which helps retailers to achieve their sales goals. When we talk about merchandising, then it is important to know that it is categorized into multiple types. Few of which are listed below:


With the help of visual and product merchandising, Retail merchandising refers to all those marketing activities that help brands to achieve their sales goals using a physical retail store. Good retail merchandise always attracts your customer through your door, and once they come inside then the way your store is merchandise can make them stay longer in your outlet and persuade them to buy more and more products.


It is the process of displaying products by any business which could be retail or online.


Digital merchandising involves all the promotional activities used to sell your products online with the help of social media and email marketing commonly known as ecommerce merchandising or online merchandising.


It is a type of merchandising which encloses a huge number of components such as floor plan layout, lightning and designing factor to prominent the display of the products, In regards to digital merchandising, Visual merchandising helps to ensure that your website is designed in the most appropriate and efficient way by taking check and balance on your website colour scheme and its cross checking if it navigation is user friendly or not?

Merchandising Best Practices

When we look for the ways to merchandise the new store set-ups to grab the buyers attention, then establishing the right merchandising strategies took place a great role which depends on the variety of factors, such as the story what you want to represent, product quality, your market segmentation and your store type which could be either digital or physical. but simply knowing them does not guarantee a successful merchandising strategy, any merchandiser must have to follow best merchandising practices to maximize the effort’s impact in the form of maximum sales.

Ways to appeal human senses

Appealing human senses wisely is one of the tactics in new store set-ups and targeting customers. Research has proven that customers stay longer when listening to soothing music or feeling in a more peaceful and fragrance environment l. If you wish to create a truly immersive and long-lasting in-store experience, design your store to appeal to as many shopper senses as possible. Mentioned below are a few ideas of what you can do!

Pick your playlist wisely. Keep in mind the atmosphere that you want to create and pick songs accordingly that can enhance the ambiance. Volume and beat used to play an important role in influencing behavior, depending on who you’re selling to.
Keep your environment less polluted and full of fragrance so your customer can stay longer inside your outlet.
This tactic just works as a magic trick by giving customers a chance to sample the product before buying.

Choosing right colors

According to human psychology , colors play an important role during the buying process, and bright colors are always considered as a good choice. light could also be used to appeal to the customers senses.

Choose the right theme

It’s important to choose the right theme for your windows because it grabs customers attention and then it invites and welcomes them inside. Most importantly, your window could either be the retail store’s front side or it could be the website’s home page.

Place Items at eye level

It’s well known that eye level is buying level, so it’s always a wise decision to pick the key product and showcase them at eye level.

Change Your Display Monthly

You need to represent your display according to the season and you know that seasons do not last too long, so it is highly necessary to feature new arrivals in your store each month.

Must Use Price Tags

People hesitate to ask the product price so we should make sure that all the products have a price tag.

Product Grouping

Have you ever gone to buy milk and come out with bread as well? This happens because of product grouping. Product grouping with other similar items gives your customers additional reason to buy more than what they needed and help you to earn more.


It’s not a new phenomenon, it’s old and simple too. It is that you appreciate your customer by greeting, giving discounts to your casual customers and taking feedback of their previous purchases because it gradually increases your brand loyalty. These merchandising tactics can make your life easier and practicing it in your new store set-ups can increase your sales growth.

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